Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the edge of the world music festival

it felt like i'd been gone for days. this is due, perhaps, to the modes of travel. van to the airport, the small plane to masset, the bus down to tlell, all of us musicians pulling our gear in the the pouring rain. by the evening walk on the beach, it was hard to imagine i lived in a city, or even had ever seen one much less been in vancouver that morning. a transporting experience.

the festival was fantastic. big barrels of gratitude to frank, jason, and everyone who put it together, kept me dry and warm, fed, and musically satiated. the hightlight, truly, was the aaron english band. the music and the lovely people who make up the band - big big love friends, big big love. patrick - let me know when you've built your commune, i will come plant potatoes.


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