Tuesday, November 08, 2005

an excerise

in shifting perspective.

ruth loves to tell me, over the phone (it's been left on voice mail too), "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."


obviously i can't really complain - i'm going on tour! my album is coming out! but i've been such a stress case - how will i finish sewing cd cases! when will i do laundry and pack! i need to approve proofs! the colour is wrong on the cd face! don't forget to pick up the prescription!

this morning, when the sewing machine grunted and grinded to a halt, and gilbert had my hand locked between his teeth (it is red striped and swolen now), i called nick tired and teary to hear some form of "it will all work out. it will all be okay". he, of course, provided calm rather sweetly and i recovered even further by playing piano for a spell. now at work, i am tilting my head to see these differently, ideally as delightful opportunities, not big bad walls of hardship! i can, at least, at this point in the afternoon (home and dinner will surely get me closer to blissful acceptance) be glad to have these worries. i am.

i think, though, regardless of being so glad to have such troubles as the release of my album, that when something is important to you, a little anxiety is to be expected, surely.

sigh. the things you look at change - i know ruth! i'm working on it.


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